Saturday, August 22, 2009



Okay I realise that many of you will be going "Manifest?? WTF is that???" Well, I'm here to explain my anime impaired friends! Manifest, also known as the Melbourne Anime Festival, is the biggest anime festival in all of Australia! And my first experiance there was a surreal one! Sure I had been to anime expo's before, but this one??? Oh it takes the cake!!

So first of all as we all drove in (We being myself, my mother, brother and Hugh, my primary school friend), the line to enter had already reached the street!! So of course all of us were going "Oh Sh**!" We basically spent a whole hour in the queue before we entered. Now just a little tip for next year Manifest, have at least two lines dedicated to those who want to register on the day and one dedicated to those who pre-registered. Of course, I've learnt my lesson and next year I'm definitely pre-regging!!

As we were in the line, we saw many different people come around. Alot of them were cosplayers and oh my God!! The intricacy of their outfits!!! Absolutely amazing!!!! But the best part was the guy who came around giving out free hugs!! Man you are awesome!! If you see this, give me a call sometime, you give good hugs!

Finally as we headed in, the experiance just got better and better. Many of my favourite traders were there such as Madman and Tamarket. So now the spending began! Lets see if I can recite everything I got:
- First up, 4 bookmarks from one of the fan trader stalls. These included people from Pheonix Wright and One Piece!
- Had to grab some Pocky next!! Yum yum!!
- Third up was the Animavericks stall, where I purchased an edition of the best Anime magazine in melbourne and got a free Full Metal Alchemist (FMA): Brotherhood poster!
- Next was Madman where I bought 5 mangas for $50! Pretty good considering they're normally around $20 each in the stores. I also received a free pass to see 'PONYO', the new Hayao Miyazaki movie (He did Spirited Away, Howls Moving Castle etc.).
- Then I went to another fan trader stall where I got some stickers of the boys from Ouran High School Host Club, an Avatar and Bleach keychain and a badge of one of the boys from Ouran High.
- From there I travelled to a small store where I picked up and Azumanga Daioh soundtrack! Listening to it now and it's very cute!
- Next was to another fan trader place where I got bookmarks of Naruto's Team 7 and of the Avatar gang!
- Finally I stopped by at Tamarket where I bought a Peach Girl manga and Mum bought me a Gaara t-shirt! Thanks again Mum!!!!!

So there you go, that's my rundown of the day! Pretty big huh??? Overall I enjoyed it throughly and I can't wait until next year! Maybe then I'll be the one dressing up!!!

For now I shall leave you with a few pics of my merchandise!

Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Lose Yourself

Sometimes I just feel like letting go. Just going wild to get away from the daily grind. I don't get it, Monday isn't even over and I already wish that the week was over! And today is my easy day!! It could have to do with the fact that I had an English SAC today. It wasn't even hard, just had to make up some crap about the imaginative landscape, which I did do. I guess it's just the fact that I'm basically over everything. It's just... sooooooo BORING!!!!! I want to DOOOO something!!!!! I wonder what I could do to make my life more exciting????

Actually something good did happen over the weekend. I went to RMIT University Open Day. I swear I've fallen in love!! Their campus is just so beautiful, and the courses there are ideal for people who have a passion for design. Now it's only the question of choosing which course, Games Graphic Design or Communication Design. I think that both would be really cool, it just depends where I want my speciality to be. And I do not know!!!! Oh well, it's not like I have to decide now, I've got a whole year more and even though it'll go really quick I plan to make the most of it.

So now as I better be getting back to my boring life, I leave you with this. A picture of Dev Patel as Zuko in the upcoming The Last Airbender movie. Even though I love Dev to bits and Zuko is my favourite character from Avatar, I just have one word to say...

Zuko: >: Pictures, Images and Photos


Saturday, August 8, 2009

Back from a Freakin Long Hiatus!

You heard it here first folks! I'm back! *Crickets Chirping*... well after not posting for about three months I guess you can't expect everyone to hang around...

Well I guess I could say it's been a good three months, I survived through my exams (just!), I turned 17 (woot!) and I saw Harry Potter HBP (*Drool* Tom Felton!!). Yep yep it's been very good indeed... except I can't help but feel as if I'm missing something...

It's probably because after seeing all these huge movies like Transformers 2 and Harry Potter (Yay for Draco's coming of age film!) I feel like there should be more to my life than just school, homework and chores. I know it's just Hollywood magic doing its thing but don't you ever wish that your life could just be filled with so much more?? I guess if you do truly want something to happen in your life, you've gotta make it happen yourself. Question is how???

One thing I have been dabbling with for a while is starting up my own Anime and Manga reviews blog. A friend of mine has started up her own music blog ( which is an awesome read (and yes that was a shameless plug!)! She's kind of influenced me into making my own but with so much homework on my plate the question is, do I have the time??? I know, I know, if you want time, you make time. I guess it would really come down to passion for the subject (which I have lots of). I don't know, I'll think about it.

One thing that I have really gotten into over the past couple of months would be the american TV series called 'Chuck'. It's about this average guy (more like nerd!) who gets a government computer stuck in his head. Now that he has all the governments secrets trapped inside him, it keeps his life in constant danger. I highly recomend it to anyone who loves nerds! I absolutely love one of the characters on the show and he is Lester Patel, which is weird for me because being of Indian descent myself, I usually go for the caucassian male (I don't have anything against indians, thats just the way I am). But Lester is totally awesome!! So I shall leave you with one of my favourite clips of him, when him and his best friend Jeff form their band called "Jeffster!" and perform Toto's Africa. Enjoy!!!