Tuesday, March 31, 2009


I've finally cracked!! I just had what I believe was a mini mental breakdown. Woo hoo! Isn't it great to be me?? Shit, shit, shit, shit! I hate making commitments that I can't keep and lately that's been happening alot for me! I said I'd go to the Short Film Festival tonight but low and behold I'm not. And why?? Because I'm so tired! I just can't cope with things anymore. There's so much pressure on homework, school, teachers and friends and I just can't do it anymore!!! And it's not like everyone around me is putting that pressure on me. No, I'm putting it on myself!!! I come home every night and do homework, I help my friends with the requests they make, which I do not mind doing, but I have so much on my plate that I haven't been able to fulfil them!!! There's just so much pressure in my life at the moment that I don't know how to relax!!

So I'm taking the night off. I have not done any homework and even though I feel guilty about it, I'm not going to. I'm not going to the film festival (despite Isabelle's bloody pestering - seriously can't that girl just leave me along and not feel the need to know every single detail of my life??) which annoys me but I have to find a way to relax. Mum just came in and checked to see if I was ok. Seriously, she's my rock. I don't know what I'd do without her. Actually I probably would have given up long ago. Nevermind just 2 more days, just 2 more days, just 2 more days! I will be ok, I will be ok, I will be ok. I hope...

1 comment:

  1. ~ouch~!
    i should hve been up-to-date and knew bout this so i could hve said smthng earlier.. but i busted my internet limit.. so i couldnt access a lot of stuff =( ~excuse,excuses~ i hear u say lol!
    its the hols now, u can sleep in, rest ur mind and dw bout requests from friends. if u cant make it on time, tell us; its not like we r a two-headed-dragon and will incinerate you to dust.
    hve fun, and take care of urself. p.s. i agree bout Isabelle.. shes tooo clingy~ shes got ryan and julian under her belt now.. then i saw shes tryin to get cmpbl too!! NOOO! lol.
    she reminds me of Medusa ~grrr~ workin her charms(wateva charms she has) ova cmpbl!!
