Monday, March 2, 2009

Yo ho. Yo ho. A Pirates Life for Me

I would kill to be a pirate. To have all that freedom to be able to do whatever you wish. Of course there are responsibilities that come with it, like making sure you have the right amount of supplies to survive, but still I reckon I'd make a pretty good pirate. Or maybe I've just been living in my fantasy world again. Sometime I wish I could just escape reality, just live in another world, maybe one where I'd fit in. Today my dad asked me why don't I choose subjects like Economics or Accounting or Physics, Chemistry or Biology. Well why don't I?? It's because they aren't my strong point. I mean I have a pretty supportive dad overall. It's just sometimes he doesn't realise that I love art and that's my passion. Science isn't and neither is maths. I wonder if he'll ever learn that.

On a positive not, it is one of my favourite character's birthday today. I know you're thinking "She's a freak!!!" Maybe so, but we all need a little something that we can celebrate once in a while. So I was happy on how this day turned out, despite the little trival things that I refuse to let it get me down. Of course I still think if I were a pirate life would be easier... but hey, that's just me!

1 comment:

  1. whos ur fav teacher?! ms evans? (coz u said "shes a freak!").
    dw, dads are ALWAYS like that (-_-). They dont get their kids smtimes... ~sigh~
    anyways, pirate life sounds interestin; but i dont wanna travers the 7 seas on a wooden dingy boat/ship thing.. id probably be in some massive metal navy boat with all the protection i can get! Muahahaha!
    ok.. a little overboard but meh! =D
