Saturday, March 28, 2009


Yay I went to Supanova!!!! It was excellent and I had the best time there. But wait! I hear you say: "Oh great one!! What is Supanova???"

Well my young Padawan's I shall tell you. Basically Supanova is a Pop Culture Expo which involves Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Music and of course Anime & Manga!!!! This of course may sound geeky, but hey! That's me!

I went with my primary school friend and we basically shopped till we dropped!! I got 2 DVD for $10! A plushie of my all time fave character!! Some One Piece badges, One Piece and Avatar stickers, a Bleach poster book and I'm pretty sure there's more! ^__^ Oh and I saw Julian and Cameron there. That was cool but I'm pretty sure they were freaked out but the amount of bags I was carrying! ;)

But sadly we all must come back to earth at some stage so now I am reminded of all the homework I have to do. I have an English SAC tomorrow, a Maths SAC on Tuesday, Business Management notes to type up and a Psychology book to read. Thankfully I finished Triage which amazingly I did not mind.


  1. That expo sounded awesome.
    I spent the weekend in bed, and for once, not because I wanted to be there.

    I have an English SAC on Tuesday and I think I'm out of demazin...

  2. hahah! u sound rly high/enthusiastic wen typin this post =)
    "Oh great one!!.." LOL! (^.^)
    oooh, i like the sound of shoppin for good deals.. last week of school and poor u - all those SACs (>.>) ~sigh~
    wish u ALL the luck (pat on head, stuff 4 leaf clovers in ur hair, tie horse-shoe around ur wrist, make u a necklace out of rabbits foot.. etc etc) =D
