Saturday, August 22, 2009



Okay I realise that many of you will be going "Manifest?? WTF is that???" Well, I'm here to explain my anime impaired friends! Manifest, also known as the Melbourne Anime Festival, is the biggest anime festival in all of Australia! And my first experiance there was a surreal one! Sure I had been to anime expo's before, but this one??? Oh it takes the cake!!

So first of all as we all drove in (We being myself, my mother, brother and Hugh, my primary school friend), the line to enter had already reached the street!! So of course all of us were going "Oh Sh**!" We basically spent a whole hour in the queue before we entered. Now just a little tip for next year Manifest, have at least two lines dedicated to those who want to register on the day and one dedicated to those who pre-registered. Of course, I've learnt my lesson and next year I'm definitely pre-regging!!

As we were in the line, we saw many different people come around. Alot of them were cosplayers and oh my God!! The intricacy of their outfits!!! Absolutely amazing!!!! But the best part was the guy who came around giving out free hugs!! Man you are awesome!! If you see this, give me a call sometime, you give good hugs!

Finally as we headed in, the experiance just got better and better. Many of my favourite traders were there such as Madman and Tamarket. So now the spending began! Lets see if I can recite everything I got:
- First up, 4 bookmarks from one of the fan trader stalls. These included people from Pheonix Wright and One Piece!
- Had to grab some Pocky next!! Yum yum!!
- Third up was the Animavericks stall, where I purchased an edition of the best Anime magazine in melbourne and got a free Full Metal Alchemist (FMA): Brotherhood poster!
- Next was Madman where I bought 5 mangas for $50! Pretty good considering they're normally around $20 each in the stores. I also received a free pass to see 'PONYO', the new Hayao Miyazaki movie (He did Spirited Away, Howls Moving Castle etc.).
- Then I went to another fan trader stall where I got some stickers of the boys from Ouran High School Host Club, an Avatar and Bleach keychain and a badge of one of the boys from Ouran High.
- From there I travelled to a small store where I picked up and Azumanga Daioh soundtrack! Listening to it now and it's very cute!
- Next was to another fan trader place where I got bookmarks of Naruto's Team 7 and of the Avatar gang!
- Finally I stopped by at Tamarket where I bought a Peach Girl manga and Mum bought me a Gaara t-shirt! Thanks again Mum!!!!!

So there you go, that's my rundown of the day! Pretty big huh??? Overall I enjoyed it throughly and I can't wait until next year! Maybe then I'll be the one dressing up!!!

For now I shall leave you with a few pics of my merchandise!

Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Lose Yourself

Sometimes I just feel like letting go. Just going wild to get away from the daily grind. I don't get it, Monday isn't even over and I already wish that the week was over! And today is my easy day!! It could have to do with the fact that I had an English SAC today. It wasn't even hard, just had to make up some crap about the imaginative landscape, which I did do. I guess it's just the fact that I'm basically over everything. It's just... sooooooo BORING!!!!! I want to DOOOO something!!!!! I wonder what I could do to make my life more exciting????

Actually something good did happen over the weekend. I went to RMIT University Open Day. I swear I've fallen in love!! Their campus is just so beautiful, and the courses there are ideal for people who have a passion for design. Now it's only the question of choosing which course, Games Graphic Design or Communication Design. I think that both would be really cool, it just depends where I want my speciality to be. And I do not know!!!! Oh well, it's not like I have to decide now, I've got a whole year more and even though it'll go really quick I plan to make the most of it.

So now as I better be getting back to my boring life, I leave you with this. A picture of Dev Patel as Zuko in the upcoming The Last Airbender movie. Even though I love Dev to bits and Zuko is my favourite character from Avatar, I just have one word to say...

Zuko: >: Pictures, Images and Photos


Saturday, August 8, 2009

Back from a Freakin Long Hiatus!

You heard it here first folks! I'm back! *Crickets Chirping*... well after not posting for about three months I guess you can't expect everyone to hang around...

Well I guess I could say it's been a good three months, I survived through my exams (just!), I turned 17 (woot!) and I saw Harry Potter HBP (*Drool* Tom Felton!!). Yep yep it's been very good indeed... except I can't help but feel as if I'm missing something...

It's probably because after seeing all these huge movies like Transformers 2 and Harry Potter (Yay for Draco's coming of age film!) I feel like there should be more to my life than just school, homework and chores. I know it's just Hollywood magic doing its thing but don't you ever wish that your life could just be filled with so much more?? I guess if you do truly want something to happen in your life, you've gotta make it happen yourself. Question is how???

One thing I have been dabbling with for a while is starting up my own Anime and Manga reviews blog. A friend of mine has started up her own music blog ( which is an awesome read (and yes that was a shameless plug!)! She's kind of influenced me into making my own but with so much homework on my plate the question is, do I have the time??? I know, I know, if you want time, you make time. I guess it would really come down to passion for the subject (which I have lots of). I don't know, I'll think about it.

One thing that I have really gotten into over the past couple of months would be the american TV series called 'Chuck'. It's about this average guy (more like nerd!) who gets a government computer stuck in his head. Now that he has all the governments secrets trapped inside him, it keeps his life in constant danger. I highly recomend it to anyone who loves nerds! I absolutely love one of the characters on the show and he is Lester Patel, which is weird for me because being of Indian descent myself, I usually go for the caucassian male (I don't have anything against indians, thats just the way I am). But Lester is totally awesome!! So I shall leave you with one of my favourite clips of him, when him and his best friend Jeff form their band called "Jeffster!" and perform Toto's Africa. Enjoy!!!

Saturday, May 23, 2009


Whew! I can't believe it, I set myself a task and I actually fell through with it! I did ALL my homework today + revision. Maths, Art, Business Management, Media, all the subjects that I needed o do are done! Can you believe it? I bloody well can't! That's a shitload of work I did and now, man am I exhausted. I think I deserve something for all this effort, but alas, exams haven't even started yet.

Oh yeah, mum said because we've been spending so much money lately and because we are heading off to India at the end of the year, I can't get The Sims 3!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! It's disastrous! It is terribly disappointing, I mean I've been looking forward to getting it for ages! But I guess I can stick with The Sims 2 for now. I have been meaning to create the Avatar characters for a while now, and I've found the perfect hair for Zuko! Katara will be pretty hard though, but I'm up to the challenge!!

For now, I'm going to kick back and relax, I think I've earned it.

Thursday, May 21, 2009


Hello again! Yeah I've been busy but honestly not that much to report! Exams are coming up so that leads me to my title: Stress. Honestly I've never been one to freak out weeks before exams. It normally hits me the weekend or day before. But my exams are in about 1 and a half weeks and I'm already freaking out!! It's been so bad that I haven't even been able to sleep! And I cherish my sleep!!! It's when I get to detach myself from reality and slip in to my own dream world without exams, without pressures and with hot guys who actually like me!!!

God I wish I had one of those, a guy I mean. I'm not that desperate or anything but some recognition would be nice, maybe?? Hopefully?? No?? Damn!

Another pressure is my cousin's wedding that is coming up. Oh I'm definitely looking forward to it, putting family politics aside of course. It was going to be the best time for me to unwind, them they had to go and place it right in the middle of exams didn't they?? It's not to bad of course, I only have one exam to worry about after the wedding, it's just I'm going to be damn busy that weekend!

One funny thing that did happen today was that my english teacher cracked it! Oh she's a bitch so we had no doubt that she would one day but over a simple question?? Dude seriously, GET A GRIP!! She's one of those teachers that if you don't follow her understanding of the english language you get out. Maybe not that harsh but she definitely implies it. She tried to tell us that something that we had learned about essay writing today was absolutely WRONG!! So we questioned the fact on why it was wrong and she thought we were getting on her case! She ended up sending 3 people out of clas, 2 to the A.P's office and 2 had to stay behind at lunch. Wait for the best part, the A.P agreed with US! The students! Yeah, we rock!!

God I hate exam time, it makes everyone go stressy and the teachers put so much pressure on us. And then they say, "Just do your best". It's going to be a hard 3 weeks thats for sure. I'll let you know if I survive!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Various Musings

Guess whaaaaaat??? I'm baaaaaack!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!
Ok maybe it's not that exciting for you but for me it is! Well ok, not really, but it gives me something to do.
So that last time I posted I sounded quite depressed I realise as I was stressing out. I feel a lot better after a well deserved break of holidays and I am ready to go back into action! Well not with maths but still, back into action!!!
Anyway one thing that I have discovered in the past week is that the actor Mark Hammil (well known as Luke Skywalker from Star Wars) has now resorted to playing the voices of various cartoon characters including a person from the Nickelodeon series Avatar. Me, being an Avatar fan, decided to see who he was and he's the notorious baddy, Fire Lord Ozai!!! I couldn't believe it so I watched a scene of him and it doesn't sound anything like him at all!!!

Here's a Star Wars Clip:

And now an Avatar One:

Sorry it's only the link, they disabled embedding.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


I've finally cracked!! I just had what I believe was a mini mental breakdown. Woo hoo! Isn't it great to be me?? Shit, shit, shit, shit! I hate making commitments that I can't keep and lately that's been happening alot for me! I said I'd go to the Short Film Festival tonight but low and behold I'm not. And why?? Because I'm so tired! I just can't cope with things anymore. There's so much pressure on homework, school, teachers and friends and I just can't do it anymore!!! And it's not like everyone around me is putting that pressure on me. No, I'm putting it on myself!!! I come home every night and do homework, I help my friends with the requests they make, which I do not mind doing, but I have so much on my plate that I haven't been able to fulfil them!!! There's just so much pressure in my life at the moment that I don't know how to relax!!

So I'm taking the night off. I have not done any homework and even though I feel guilty about it, I'm not going to. I'm not going to the film festival (despite Isabelle's bloody pestering - seriously can't that girl just leave me along and not feel the need to know every single detail of my life??) which annoys me but I have to find a way to relax. Mum just came in and checked to see if I was ok. Seriously, she's my rock. I don't know what I'd do without her. Actually I probably would have given up long ago. Nevermind just 2 more days, just 2 more days, just 2 more days! I will be ok, I will be ok, I will be ok. I hope...

Saturday, March 28, 2009


Yay I went to Supanova!!!! It was excellent and I had the best time there. But wait! I hear you say: "Oh great one!! What is Supanova???"

Well my young Padawan's I shall tell you. Basically Supanova is a Pop Culture Expo which involves Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Music and of course Anime & Manga!!!! This of course may sound geeky, but hey! That's me!

I went with my primary school friend and we basically shopped till we dropped!! I got 2 DVD for $10! A plushie of my all time fave character!! Some One Piece badges, One Piece and Avatar stickers, a Bleach poster book and I'm pretty sure there's more! ^__^ Oh and I saw Julian and Cameron there. That was cool but I'm pretty sure they were freaked out but the amount of bags I was carrying! ;)

But sadly we all must come back to earth at some stage so now I am reminded of all the homework I have to do. I have an English SAC tomorrow, a Maths SAC on Tuesday, Business Management notes to type up and a Psychology book to read. Thankfully I finished Triage which amazingly I did not mind.

Friday, March 20, 2009

I hate Maths!!

That's it! I'm at the final bloody straw. I cannot take maths methods anymore!!! I've tried and tried and tried and even with my tutors help I just can't do the damn equations!! I know, it seems like I'm giving up, but what do you do when you've reached the end of the road???? You can keep pushing and pushing and pushing until you've worn yourself out and gotten no where or you and try a different route. One that is a little easier and your pushing actually pays off. So I've made up my mind! I'm going to change into general maths ASAP!!! It's going to be hard to convince my dad that I want to change though. He's always been a maths person and more than anything wants me to be one as well. I'm sorry dad but I can't be that person. You did the sciences and I do the arts. That is just the way it is...

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Sleepy... Oh so Sleepy...

I'm really tired. Other than the pressures of school, chores, homework and SAC's I get a cold!! Yeah just excellent huh? Just what I needed... NOT!!!! I'm feeling a little better though and I'm really greatful that I had a short day today. Now if only I can survive the rest of the week...

But these should keep me going. A friend of my mum's sent these vid's to us and I have to say that these guys are amazing!! Again Chak De India!!!

And now them in the final!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


So I realise that last blog post was a little on the depressing side. But now I am on top of the world! Well not really but I like to think I am from time to time. Nothing much to say at the moment except that I am doing a challange one of my friend's created for me. She said that I had to create my favourite characters from my favourite show One Piece for the game The Sims 2. That might seem easy but you have to find the right meshes, recolour them to the best of your abilities and then try and creat any meshes that could not be found. All I can say is thank god for Photoshop.

And now for some fun. I promised a friend that I would post this up on my blog so here you go!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Indirect Vs. Direct

Don't you just hate it when you get a really pathetic score on a test or exam of some sort and then everyone around you goes: "Oh but that's really good!" I do and that's exactly what happened to me a couple of days ago. I mean I love how some friends can be very supportive nand thats what they are but sometimes I just feel like saying "Shut up, it's a pathetic score and you know it."

I guess I am grateful to my Dad for being very direct then. I tell him and he says "Ouch, that's a horrible score," well I know I wanted people to be direct but really then I broke down. I feel better now. I know what he was trying to say and after he got over the shock in seeing me in such a state (yeah it was that bad) he told me "Just as long as you learn from your mistakes you're fine." and I think that's a fair enough statement.

Now moving on to a lighter note, I have to say this video really inspired me. It's great for people of our generation:

Monday, March 2, 2009

Yo ho. Yo ho. A Pirates Life for Me

I would kill to be a pirate. To have all that freedom to be able to do whatever you wish. Of course there are responsibilities that come with it, like making sure you have the right amount of supplies to survive, but still I reckon I'd make a pretty good pirate. Or maybe I've just been living in my fantasy world again. Sometime I wish I could just escape reality, just live in another world, maybe one where I'd fit in. Today my dad asked me why don't I choose subjects like Economics or Accounting or Physics, Chemistry or Biology. Well why don't I?? It's because they aren't my strong point. I mean I have a pretty supportive dad overall. It's just sometimes he doesn't realise that I love art and that's my passion. Science isn't and neither is maths. I wonder if he'll ever learn that.

On a positive not, it is one of my favourite character's birthday today. I know you're thinking "She's a freak!!!" Maybe so, but we all need a little something that we can celebrate once in a while. So I was happy on how this day turned out, despite the little trival things that I refuse to let it get me down. Of course I still think if I were a pirate life would be easier... but hey, that's just me!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Peace and Serenity

So at the moment I feel quite calm. My SAC's for the week are done so I have nothing to worry about. Right?? Well not really. You see tomorrow I have a party to go to that I don't really want to go to. Well it's more of a get together actually. We have to pay for everything so that's not much fun. I don't know about you but at parties I thought it was all expenses paid. Oh well, the rest of my friends are going to be there so I should just calm down, relax and have some fun!

On the upside today my english teacher complimented me on my essay that we recently had to hand in. I'm glad because I was really worried on how I'd do on it. She also commented on how I included 'Slumdog Millionaire' and then when we were peer marking I had to explain to everyone how the main character jumped down a toilet. That was exciting, lol.

Well I guess now it's time to kick back, relax and watch some anime. That's the only way to calm me down. So it's bye for now and hello anime!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Nerves and Bubblyness stuff

Well I've been nervous for a while now. I guess it's because I have a maths SAC tomorrow and I really don't want to have it. Maybe if I just look at it as a test I'll be all good. I'm also nervous because I have a Buisness Studies Test tomorrow as well and a new student's day =(. Man just when I feel like I'm fitting in at Camberwell they make me feel out of it again but classifying me as a new student. Oh well =( Oh and I just recieved a message from a fellow user asking me if I'd intentionally been rude to him!!! I'd never do that!

Now to go on to the bubblyness!! Well I was watching the Oscars today and I managed to catch a trailer of a movie called '500 Days of Summer' and it starred an actor that I knew from '3rd Rock from the Sun', Joseph Gordon-Levitt (Tommy in case anyone was wondering) and, DAMN! He look gorgeous in it!!! It sent fuzzies through my tummy basically! I'm so excited to see it!

Trailer for anyone who was wondering:
Well I guess I should sign off now but my last thing that I have to say is... SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE WON 5 AWARDS!!!!! YES!!! Chak De India!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Complimentary 1st post!

Well this is my complimentary first post. Pretty cool huh? Well I decided to create this blog because I had the spare time and I love creating my own websites and customising them. Only one thing that I'm really bad at is updating. Yeah I know, bad first step when creating a blog, lol. Hopefully I'll get better though. I guess I just need the inspiration.
So I probably should give a little information about me. I'm an Australian/Indian teenager living in Melbourne. I just moved schools so I'm still getting used to things but I'm glad I managed to make a good group of friends. I'm a huge Anime and Manga fan and my favourite is One Piece! I still enjoy the hugely popular Naruto and Bleach but honestly One Piece is the way to go. I occasionally watch it in English but I mostly watch the subbed Japanese versions. My good friends would know that I obsess over certain characters *cough* Sanji *cough* but otherwise I would say that I'm a pretty tame anime fan compared to others.
Well I guess this is it for now, I'll try and update as much as I can!